Information about Bezness

Movies and TV shows about Bezness

in english, french, dutch and german language

Some episodes of these series or movies might be available on the homepages of the TV stations - or somewhere else in the internet, eg. on Streaming service sites, Youtube, Dailymotion or Livingscoop.

English language TV series and movies:

TLC (USA), Series "90 Day Fiance". This series reports about US citizens with fiances from abroad who wants to marry and will get a visa valid for 90 days, some of the particpants might be in for Bezness, others aren't.
The series are also broadcasted by TLC in the UK and, in german language, in Germany.

The show has meanwhile multiple offsprings, the main important ones are:
- 90 Day Fiance: (Season 7 ended in spring 2020)
- 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 days (Season 5 ended in spring 2020)
- 90 Day Fiance: The other way (Season 2 started in spring 2020)
- 90 Day Fiance: Just landed (Season 1, December 2019)
- 90 Day Fiance: What now? (Season 4 started in spring 2020)
Channel 5 (UK): Series "Holiday Love Rats exposed"
One episode of this series (2014) reports about Bezness in Tunisia, and another one in March 2015.
Link to Channel 5 information.

BBC One (UK): Series "For love or money"
This series (2019) reports about various Romance scams.
Link to BBC One information.


French language TV series and movies:

"Bezness", Movie of Nouri Bouzid (Tunisia-France-Germany). This movie of 1992 describes a relation between a french man and a tunisian woman. It is this film who made the term "Bezness" widely known.
Link to movie database.

Dutch language TV series and movies:

SBS 6 (Netherlands): Series "Oplichters in het Buitenland" (Fraudsters abroad). This series reports in its 8th episode (2014) about Bezness and tourist fraud in Tunisia. This series is especially worth watching because it is filmed with a coverted camera and the journalists will confront fraudsters in the end. The language of this episode is french and dutch.

German language TV series and movies:

RTL2, Series "Der Traummann - Liebe ohne Grenzen" (Dream Man - Love without borders, 2011+), some episodes take place in Tunisia and Morocco.
Link to one episode in the RTL2-Mediathek.

VOX: Series "Goodbye Deutschland". This series reports in two episodes (2013, 2014) about the german woman Sandra Baum, who wants to emigrate to Tunisia.
Link to the 2nd part in the Mediathek of VOX.

ATV (Austria): Series "Mein Traummann aus dem Internet" (My dream man from the internet). Six episodes (2014) deal with the experiences of austrian women who want to marry a husband from Tunisia or Morocco.
Link to the ATV-Mediathek.

ARTE-Documentation "Bezness - Heiratsschwindler aus dem Orient" (Bezness, marriage fraudsters from the orient, 2011). With reports about Morocco and Tunisia.

ZDF-Documentation (37°) "Traumprinz aus der Ferne" (Dream prince from afar, 2010). With reports about Tunisia.
Link to an article about the documentation in the german magazine "Focus".

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